Friday, February 20, 2009

We know!!

So, yesterday was a busy day for this busy mommy. I went to school with Cheya in the morning to be class helper. I love those days, but it really wears me out, especially with me being pregnant and they only have little kid chairs.

Then yesterday afternoon, we went for the untrasound. The girls were so excited and not at all disappointed by the amazingly not clear pics that you see on a typical ultrasound. The pics are at home so I will post one later. I told the tech to let us know what it was, if she could tell, but not say it out loud. We didn't want the girls to know yet. I am excited and happy and a little surprised. If that reaction gives you a clue, than so be it, but we are not revealing just yet. :)

Have a great day everyone!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Odds 'N' Ends

Ok, just a quick update on a few things...

The potty training is complete. Cheya has not had an accident in quite awhile and she really enjoys being a "big girl." She is just about ready to experiment with sleeping through the night in big girl pants unstead of a pull up.

Thursday is the day!! I have my first "official" ultrasound. We will hopefully be able to find out what we are having. I may, or may not, let you know. :) The girls are really excited about getting to go. They are so happy to get to "see" the baby. Cheya is constantly loving on my tummy and talking to tater tot. They are having a dispute about what we want. Cheya wants a little sister and Renzie wants a little brother. Little does Cheya know, but we are also rooting for a boy. Although I don't know what I would do with a boy, I am so used to girls. And of course, we will be happy no matter.

I'll try and keep you posted. :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Potty Training... Complete!?!

She has not had any accidents in a week! We are going strong and she was even sick this weekend/ weeks beginning. Hooray for my "big" little girl!!